integer', 'context' => array( 'view' ), ), 'author' => array( 'description' => __( 'The username of the block author.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => array( 'view' ), ), 'icon' => array( 'description' => __( 'The block icon.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'format' => 'uri', 'context' => array( 'view' ), ), 'last_updated' => array( 'description' => __( 'The date when the block was last updated.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'format' => 'date-time', 'context' => array( 'view' ), ), 'humanized_updated' => array( 'description' => __( 'The date when the block was last updated, in fuzzy human readable format.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => array( 'view' ), ), ), ); return $this->add_additional_fields_schema( $this->schema ); } /** * Retrieves the search params for the blocks collection. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @return array Collection parameters. */ public function get_collection_params() { $query_params = parent::get_collection_params(); $query_params['context']['default'] = 'view'; $query_params['term'] = array( 'description' => __( 'Limit result set to blocks matching the search term.' ), 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, 'minLength' => 1, ); unset( $query_params['search'] ); /** * Filters REST API collection parameters for the block directory controller. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param array $query_params JSON Schema-formatted collection parameters. */ return apply_filters( 'rest_block_directory_collection_params', $query_params ); } } rectly in an array, why not have a shortcut here? if( $args['array'] == true ){ return apply_filters('em_locations_get_array', $results, $args); } if( EM_MS_GLOBAL ){ foreach ( $results as $location ){ if( empty($location['blog_id']) ) $location['blog_id'] = get_current_site()->blog_id; $locations[] = em_get_location($location['post_id'], $location['blog_id']); } }else{ foreach ( $results as $location ){ $locations[] = em_get_location($location['post_id'], 'post_id'); } } return apply_filters('em_locations_get', $locations, $args); } public static function count( $args = array() ){ return apply_filters('em_locations_count', self::get($args, true), $args); } /** * Output a set of matched of events * @param array $args * @return string */ public static function output( $args ){ global $EM_Location; $EM_Location_old = $EM_Location; //When looping, we can replace EM_Location global with the current event in the loop //Can be either an array for the get search or an array of EM_Location objects $page_queryvar = !empty($args['page_queryvar']) ? $args['page_queryvar'] : 'pno'; if( !empty($args['pagination']) && !array_key_exists('page',$args) && !empty($_REQUEST[$page_queryvar]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST[$page_queryvar]) ){ $args['page'] = $_REQUEST[$page_queryvar]; } if( is_object(current($args)) && get_class((current($args))) == 'EM_Location' ){ $func_args = func_get_args(); $locations = $func_args[0]; $args = (!empty($func_args[1])) ? $func_args[1] : array(); $args = apply_filters('em_locations_output_args', self::get_default_search($args), $locations); $limit = ( !empty($args['limit']) && is_numeric($args['limit']) ) ? $args['limit']:false; $locations_count = count($locations); }else{ $args = apply_filters('em_locations_output_args', self::get_default_search($args) ); $limit = ( !empty($args['limit']) && is_numeric($args['limit']) ) ? $args['limit']:false; $locations = self::get( $args ); $locations_count = self::$num_rows_found; } //What format shall we output this to, or use default $format = empty($args['format']) ? get_option( 'dbem_location_list_item_format' ) : $args['format'] ; $output = ""; $locations = apply_filters('em_locations_output_locations', $locations); if ( count($locations) > 0 ) { foreach ( $locations as $EM_Location ) { $output .= $EM_Location->output($format); } //Add headers and footers to output if( $format == get_option( 'dbem_location_list_item_format' ) ){ //we're using the default format, so if a custom format header or footer is supplied, we can override it, if not use the default $format_header = empty($args['format_header']) ? get_option('dbem_location_list_item_format_header') : $args['format_header']; $format_footer = empty($args['format_footer']) ? get_option('dbem_location_list_item_format_footer') : $args['format_footer']; }else{ //we're using a custom format, so if a header or footer isn't specifically supplied we assume it's blank $format_header = !empty($args['format_header']) ? $args['format_header'] : '' ; $format_footer = !empty($args['format_footer']) ? $args['format_footer'] : '' ; } $output = $format_header . $output . $format_footer; //Pagination (if needed/requested) if( !empty($args['pagination']) && !empty($limit) && $locations_count > $limit ){ //output pagination links $output .= self::get_pagination_links($args, $locations_count); } }elseif( $args['no_results_msg'] !== false ){ $output = !empty($args['no_results_msg']) ? $args['no_results_msg'] : get_option('dbem_no_locations_message'); } //FIXME check if reference is ok when restoring object, due to changes in php5 v 4 $EM_Location_old= $EM_Location; return apply_filters('em_locations_output', $output, $locations, $args); } public static function get_pagination_links($args, $count, $search_action = 'search_locations', $default_args = array()){ //get default args if we're in a search, supply to parent since we can't depend on late static binding until WP requires PHP 5.3 or later if( empty($default_args) && (!empty($args['ajax']) || !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] == $search_action) ){ $default_args = self::get_default_search(); $default_args['limit'] = get_option('dbem_locations_default_limit'); //since we're paginating, get the default limit, which isn't obtained from get_default_search() } return parent::get_pagination_links($args, $count, $search_action, $default_args); } public static function delete( $args = array() ){ $locations = array(); if( !is_object(current($args)) ){ //we've been given an array or search arguments to find the relevant locations to delete $locations = self::get($args); }elseif( get_class(current($args)) == 'EM_Location' ){ //we're deleting an array of locations $locations = $args; } $results = array(); foreach ( $locations as $EM_Location ){ $results[] = $EM_Location->delete(); } return apply_filters('em_locations_delete', in_array(false, $results), $locations); } public static function get_post_search($args = array(), $filter = false, $request = array(), $accepted_args = array()){ //supply $accepted_args to parent argument since we can't depend on late static binding until WP requires PHP 5.3 or later $accepted_args = !empty($accepted_args) ? $accepted_args : array_keys(self::get_default_search()); $return = parent::get_post_search($args, $filter, $request, $accepted_args); //remove unwanted arguments or if not explicitly requested if( empty($args['scope']) && !empty($return['scope']) ){ unset($return['scope']); } return apply_filters('em_locations_get_post_search', $return); } /** * Checks if we need to join an events table for this search, which is necessary if any event-specific arguments are supplied, or if certain arguments such as orderby contain location fields * @param array $args * @param array $event_fields * @return boolean */ public static function check_events_table_join( $args, $event_fields ){ //for we only will check optional joining by default for groupby searches, and for the original searches if EM_DISABLE_OPTIONAL_JOINS is set to true in wp-config.php if( !empty($args['groupby']) || (defined('EM_DISABLE_OPTIONAL_JOINS') && EM_DISABLE_OPTIONAL_JOINS) ){ $event_specific_args = array('eventful', 'eventless', 'tag', 'category', 'event', 'recurrence', 'month', 'year', 'rsvp', 'bookings'); $event_specific_args = apply_filters('em_locations_event_specific_args', $event_specific_args); $join_events_table = $args['scope'] != 'all'; //only value where false is not default so we check that first foreach( $event_specific_args as $arg ) if( !empty($args[$arg]) ) $join_events_table = true; //if set to false the following would provide a false negative in the line above if( $args['recurrences'] !== null ) $join_events_table = true; if( $args['recurring'] !== null ) $join_events_table = true; if( $args['event_status'] !== false ){ $join_events_table = true; } //check ordering and grouping arguments for precense of event fields requiring a join if( !$join_events_table ){ foreach( array('groupby', 'orderby', 'groupby_orderby') as $arg ){ if( !is_array($args[$arg]) ) continue; //ignore this argument if set to false //we assume all these arguments are now array thanks to self::get_search_defaults() cleaning it up foreach( $args[$arg] as $field_name ){ if( in_array($field_name, $event_fields) ){ $join_events_table = true; break; //we join, no need to keep searching } } } } //EM_Events has a special argument for recurring events (the template), where it automatically omits recurring event templates. If we are searching events, and recurring was not explicitly set, we set it to the same as in EM_Events default if( $join_events_table && $args['recurring'] === null ) $args['recurring'] = false; }else{ $join_events_table = true; }//end temporary if( !empty($args['groupby']).... wrapper //plugins can override this optional joining behaviour here in case they add custom WHERE conditions or something like that return apply_filters('em_locations_check_events_table_join', $join_events_table, $args, $event_fields); } /** * Builds an array of SQL query conditions based on regularly used arguments * @param array $args * @return array */ public static function build_sql_conditions( $args = array(), $count=false ){ global $wpdb; $events_table = EM_EVENTS_TABLE; $locations_table = EM_LOCATIONS_TABLE; $conditions = parent::build_sql_conditions($args); //search locations if( !empty($args['search']) ){ $like_search = array($locations_table.'.post_content','location_name','location_address','location_town','location_postcode','location_state','location_region','location_country'); $like_search_string = '%'.$wpdb->esc_like($args['search']).'%'; $like_search_strings = array(); foreach( $like_search as $v ) $like_search_strings[] = $like_search_string; $like_search_sql = "(".implode(" LIKE %s OR ", $like_search). " LIKE %s)"; $conditions['search'] = $wpdb->prepare($like_search_sql, $like_search_strings); } //eventful locations if( true == $args['eventful'] ){ $conditions['eventful'] = "{$events_table}.event_id IS NOT NULL"; }elseif( true == $args['eventless'] ){ $conditions['eventless'] = "{$events_table}.event_id IS NULL"; if( !empty($conditions['scope']) ) unset($conditions['scope']); //scope condition would render all queries return no results } //owner lookup if( !empty($args['owner']) && is_numeric($args['owner'])){ $conditions['owner'] = "location_owner=".$args['owner']; }elseif( !empty($args['owner']) && $args['owner'] == 'me' && is_user_logged_in() ){ $conditions['owner'] = 'location_owner='.get_current_user_id(); }elseif( self::array_is_numeric($args['owner']) ){ $conditions['owner'] = 'location_owner IN ('.implode(',',$args['owner']).')'; } //blog id in events table if( EM_MS_GLOBAL && !empty($args['blog']) ){ if( is_numeric($args['blog']) ){ if( is_main_site($args['blog']) ){ $conditions['blog'] = "(".$locations_table.".blog_id={$args['blog']} OR ".$locations_table.".blog_id IS NULL)"; }else{ $conditions['blog'] = "(".$locations_table.".blog_id={$args['blog']})"; } }else{ if( !is_array($args['blog']) && preg_match('/^([\-0-9],?)+$/', $args['blog']) ){ $conditions['blog'] = "(".$locations_table.".blog_id IN ({$args['blog']}) )"; }elseif( is_array($args['blog']) && self::array_is_numeric($args['blog']) ){ $conditions['blog'] = "(".$locations_table.".blog_id IN (".implode(',',$args['blog']).") )"; } } } //private locations if( empty($args['private']) ){ $conditions['private'] = "(`location_private`=0)"; }elseif( !empty($args['private_only']) ){ $conditions['private_only'] = "(`location_private`=1)"; } //post search if( !empty($args['post_id'])){ if( self::array_is_numeric($args['post_id']) ){ $conditions['post_id'] = "($locations_table.post_id IN (".implode(',',$args['post_id'])."))"; }else{ $conditions['post_id'] = "($locations_table.post_id={$args['post_id']})"; } } return apply_filters('em_locations_build_sql_conditions', $conditions, $args); } /** * Overrides EM_Object method to clean ambiguous fields and apply a filter to result. * @see EM_Object::build_sql_orderby() */ public static function build_sql_orderby( $args, $accepted_fields, $default_order = 'ASC' ){ $orderby = parent::build_sql_orderby($args, $accepted_fields, get_option('dbem_events_default_order')); $orderby = self::build_sql_ambiguous_fields_helper($orderby); //fix ambiguous fields return apply_filters( 'em_locations_build_sql_orderby', $orderby, $args, $accepted_fields, $default_order ); } /** * Overrides EM_Object method to clean ambiguous fields and apply a filter to result. * @see EM_Object::build_sql_groupby() */ public static function build_sql_groupby( $args, $accepted_fields, $groupby_order = false, $default_order = 'ASC' ){ $groupby = parent::build_sql_groupby($args, $accepted_fields); //fix ambiguous fields and give them scope of events table $groupby = self::build_sql_ambiguous_fields_helper($groupby); return apply_filters( 'em_locations_build_sql_groupby', $groupby, $args, $accepted_fields ); } /** * Overrides EM_Object method to clean ambiguous fields and apply a filter to result. * @see EM_Object::build_sql_groupby_orderby() */ public static function build_sql_groupby_orderby($args, $accepted_fields, $default_order = 'ASC' ){ $group_orderby = parent::build_sql_groupby_orderby($args, $accepted_fields, get_option('dbem_events_default_order')); //fix ambiguous fields and give them scope of events table $group_orderby = self::build_sql_ambiguous_fields_helper($group_orderby); return apply_filters( 'em_locations_build_sql_groupby_orderby', $group_orderby, $args, $accepted_fields, $default_order ); } /** * Overrides EM_Object method to provide specific reserved fields and locations table. * @see EM_Object::build_sql_ambiguous_fields_helper() */ protected static function build_sql_ambiguous_fields_helper( $fields, $reserved_fields = array(), $prefix = 'table_name' ){ //This will likely be removed when PHP 5.3 is the minimum and LSB is a given return parent::build_sql_ambiguous_fields_helper($fields, array('post_id', 'location_id', 'blog_id'), EM_LOCATIONS_TABLE); } /* * Generate a search arguments array from defalut and user-defined. * @param array $array_or_defaults may be the array to override defaults * @param array $array * @return array * @uses EM_Object#get_default_search() */ public static function get_default_search( $array_or_defaults = array(), $array = array() ){ $defaults = array( 'orderby' => 'location_name', 'groupby' => false, 'groupby_orderby' => 'location_name', //groups according to event start time, i.e. by default shows earliest event in a scope 'groupby_order' => 'ASC', //groups according to event start time, i.e. by default shows earliest event in a scope 'town' => false, 'state' => false, 'country' => false, 'region' => false, 'postcode' => false, 'status' => 1, //approved locations only 'scope' => 'all', //we probably want to search all locations by default, not like events 'blog' => get_current_blog_id(), 'private' => current_user_can('read_private_locations'), 'private_only' => false, 'post_id' => false, //location-specific attributes 'eventful' => false, //Locations that have an event (scope will also play a part here 'eventless' => false, //Locations WITHOUT events, eventful takes precedence 'event_status' => false //search locations with events of a specific publish status ); //sort out whether defaults were supplied or just the array of search values if( empty($array) ){ $array = $array_or_defaults; }else{ $defaults = array_merge($defaults, $array_or_defaults); } //specific functionality if( EM_MS_GLOBAL ){ if( get_site_option('dbem_ms_mainblog_locations') ){ //when searching in MS Global mode with all locations being stored on the main blog, blog_id becomes redundant as locations are stored in one blog table set $array['blog'] = false; }elseif( (!is_admin() || defined('DOING_AJAX')) && empty($array['blog']) && is_main_site() && get_site_option('dbem_ms_global_locations') ){ //if enabled, by default we display all blog locations on main site $array['blog'] = false; } } $array['eventful'] = ( !empty($array['eventful']) && $array['eventful'] == true ); $array['eventless'] = ( !empty($array['eventless']) && $array['eventless'] == true ); if( is_admin() && !defined('DOING_AJAX') ){ $defaults['owner'] = !current_user_can('read_others_locations') ? get_current_user_id():false; } return apply_filters('em_locations_get_default_search', parent::get_default_search($defaults, $array), $array, $defaults); } } ?> POP UP GALLERY: BEYOND BALAWAN, ANU SCHOOL OF ART - Eden Whale Festival
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