Towamba gardens set to thrill fans of the Eden Lionesses Open Gardens program this year 
The residents of close-knit Towamba this year are excited to be getting behind the village’s very first gardens ever to be featured in the Eden Lioness Club’s Open Gardens program.
There’ll be four unique private Towamba gardens open to the public, plus the primary school garden. The Parents & Citizens Association will be putting on refreshments and, according to Open Gardens organiser, Sandra Symonds, the whole village will be turning out to support garden owners and the school.
The Towamba entries will join three gardens in Eden to make up the full program on the weekend of 26 & 27 October.
Wander through one of the spectacular gardens between 10am and 4pm and perhaps you’ll be inspired to create your own dream garden! There’ll be one garden devoted to succulents and another cleverly arranged on a sloping parcel of land.
Tickets and maps are available after 9am on Saturday 26 October, from the purple Eden Lioness Tent alongside the Eden Gateway Holiday Park. They’ll also be available, before the event, from a stand set up outside the newsagents in Eden. So keep an eye out and be sure to get in early to book your spot in this very popular Festival event.
Ticket cost: $10. For more details contact Sandra Symonds on 02 6496 1459.